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Our Values

Here are the top five values at Philly Leadership Lab. Organic, emergent strategy, equity, and justice undergird each of these values. We focus on the process as much as, if not more than, the end product. It's important that we share common values with our clients and discuss them before we start working together.


We see every community and person's lived experience, background, skills, and talents as an asset to the work and know that each person - no matter their role or title - can be a leader.


We embrace a mindset and operational approach centered around generosity, ample and equitable resources, and unlimited possibilities - instead of limitations.  We share our knowledge and experience freely and openly.  We work to ensure that opportunities and benefits are accessible to a wide range of stakeholders, not just a select few. And we strive to create a workplace that will leave an abundant set of resources for future generations of leaders. 


Strong, mutually beneficial relationships are the foundation of our work.  We focus leaders to prioritize developing stronger relationships so that everyone has a sense of value and purpose in the work - staff and stakeholders alike. Relationships build over time and are more important than "getting to the finish line" or saving a few dollars.

Creativity & Collaboration

We believe that everyone has the capacity to bring creativity and creative ideas to the work through collaboration, resource sharing, and creating environments where play and imagination are valued. We help teams experiment with networked/collaborative leadership and move away from top-down, control-and-commend.   

Adaptive & Generative Strategies

Our fields and work landscapes are continuously evolving, demanding adaptive strategies that can swiftly respond to changes. We encourage organic and emergent thinking to balance out "bottom line" thinking.  We champion creative and open mindsets allowing for flexible and dynamic strategy, while collaborative efforts ensure these strategies are collectively  developed and widely supported within the organization.  

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